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72 meetings

Smart City Sensing: Enhancing Urban Mobility and Energy Efficiency through Cellular Data Analytics and UAV-enabled IoT Systems
July 26th
1:00 PM (1 hour)
Riverside Hall
Sacramento, CA

Smart city sensing represents a pivotal paradigm shift in urban development, characterized by the infusion of cutting-edge technology to improve the quality of life in densely populated areas. At its essence, smart city sensing revolves around the deployment of sensors and data collection infrastructure throughout urban landscapes. The use of the collected data spans various domains, including environmental monitoring, transportation, energy management, and public safety. By continuously gathering and analyzing real-time data, smart cities gain unprecedented insights into their operations and the needs of their citizens. Unlocking the potential of smart cities, this talk presents effective solutions to leverage collected data to optimize the quality of the offered services. Specifically, this talk illuminates the innovative use of cellular data to analyze footfall and transportation modes, enabling precise localization and urban insights. By tracking citizens’ mobility profiles inferred from channel state information (CSI) measurements using efficient artificial intelligence (AI) tools, it reveals intricate pedestrian and transportation dynamics, informing optimal urban planning, crowd management, and resource allocation. Furthermore, the talk discusses effective solutions to enable the perpetual operation of IoT infrastructure and environmental monitoring sensors. Following an interdisciplinary methodology that combines experimental implementation and theoretical analysis, the use of 6G enablers such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is investigated to optimize the data collection from the IoT sensors and minimize energy waste. 

IEEE Hawaii WIE Excom - July
July 25th
8:30 PM (1 hour)

IEEE Hawaii WIE ExCom monthly meeting to discuss future events and initiatives.



Containerize Applications - Part 2/3 of the Bring Your Own Platform(BYOP) Workshop Series
July 24th
6:30 PM (2 hours)

The software that drives Autonomous Systems, such as Robots and Self-driving cars, runs on Platforms that can run the software fast and reliably. The platform may be broader than just the operating system or environment in which the software runs. It's the ecosystem where software is created, deployed, and maintained on diverse devices. Platform applications such as the Robot Operating System(ROS) and Docker serve numerous industries. Most Software Developers get a platform to add their software to, with their new badge and notepad, the first day they join a new employer, thanks to the SW Architect or Platform team. However, if you want to create a blue-sky application, you may find yourself unmoored without an existing platform or adopt one with more than you bargained for. 

This hands-on workshop series will help you build a minimal and general platform that may be specialized to your new application. Attendees are encouraged to bring their laptops and learn by doing. The style of this workshop is collaborative and conversational. This workshop is suitable for beginners and experts alike. The organizers intend to create a space to help beginners up the learning curve and allow practitioners to share their best practices.  

We will spend the second of the three sessions defining the containers in which applications run. The agenda is as follows. 

  • Recap and level set on part 1 - Set up your Workspace 
  • Install Docker 
  • Build an image that contains the packages required by a software application using Dockerfile 
  • Launch containers based on multiple images using docker-compose 
Careers in Technology Summer Series 2024 - Arun Vishwanathan - Model-based Approaches for Cyber Risk Assessment of Space Missions
July 23rd
5:00 PM (1 hour)

Space assets such as satellites, drones and spacecraft are increasingly attractive targets for adversaries ranging from individual hackers, to hacker groups and nation states. This rapid rise in the cyber threat landscape necessitates smarter cyber tools to stay ahead of our adversaries. In this talk, I will present the work being done by the Cyber Defense Engineering and Research (CDER) group at JPL in addressing cyber challenges as pertaining to JPL’s missions. I will specifically focus on our work combining model-based engineering and AI-based reasoning to build a unique capability for automated cyber risk assessments.

MOVE Tech Talk - JUL 2024 - IEEE Smart Village
July 23rd
5:00 PM (1.5 hours)

IEEE Smart Village (ISV) has a unique approach to support the world’s energy-impoverished communities by providing a comprehensive solution combining renewable energy, community-based education, and entrepreneurial opportunities. ISV provides seed-funding to carefully selected community entrepreneurs based upon a credible business plan that will impact significant number of people with electricity, education and jobs.

The challenges of starting and sustaining a successful business in the developing world are extreme to say the least. The IEEE Smart Village entrepreneurs are the true heroes. They have learned to build the confidence and support of their local communities. They consistently demonstrate a deep respect for preserving the best of local cultures and heritages while gracefully introducing new technology and business practices. Some of the challenges that they have had to overcome include extremes of climate, altitude, floods, currency devaluations, power blackouts, media blackouts, political instability, local rivalries and contentious elections.

Microgrid Consortium - What is it? How can you play an integral part in this Organization?
July 23rd
1:00 PM (1.5 hours)

Join us for a session on the Microgrid Consortium. Find out how you can play an integral part of this organization. Our group works together to provide microgrids to clients which include Puget Sound Energy (Utilities), Microsoft (Industry), Lake Washington Institute of Technology (Education), and T-Mobile (Telcom). We engage fusion, solar, wind, fuel cells, geothermal, tidal, and hydro. The IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting expects 3,500 engineers at their meeting the week of July 21, 2024. Don't miss this grand networking opportunity. Register today!

Intent-Based Management for Next-Generation Networks: an LLM-centric Approach
July 23rd
10:30 AM (1 hour)

Title: Intent-Based Management for Next-Generation Networks: an LLM-centric Approach

Intent-based networking (IBN) is crucial in enabling autonomous networks by specifying goals and constraints at a higher level to the Network Management System. TMForum has specified a dedicated architecture and model that rely on Intents to handle and manage communication services, paving the way for autonomous systems towards 6G. Intents that represent an abstracted operational goal specified by the communication service owner, which is usually provided as input to the Network Management System (NMS). The latter, in turn, generates the necessary low-level configurations to fulfill these Intents. The current model of expressing Intents still requires significant effort in writing JSON and YAML structures, demanding a detailed comprehension of the format and model specified by the Northbound Interface (NBI). This process is sometimes not straightforward, and adhering to the structure of these NBIs takes time. A natural evolution for IBN is to move beyond human-readable languages and transition towards natural language. In this talk, we will discuss the evolution of Intents in 6G relaying Large Language Model (LLM) that translates human language into operational intents to deploy communication systems, leveraging few-shot learning and human-in-the-loop Feedback.



Adlen Ksentini is a professor in the Communication Systems Department of EURECOM. He is leading the Network softwarization group activities related to Network softwarization, 5G/6G, and Edge Computing. Adlen Ksentini's research interests are Network Sofwerization and Network Cloudification, focusing on topics related to network virtualization, Software Defined Networking (SDN), and Edge Computing for 5G and 6G networks. He has been participating to several H2020 and Horizon Europe projects on 5G and beyond, such as 5G!Pagoda, 5GTransformer, 5G!Drones, MonB5G, ImagineB5G, 6GBricks, 6G-Intense, Sunrise-6G and AC3.
He is the technical manager of 6G-Intense and AC3, on zero-touch management of 6G resources and applications, and Cloud Edge Continuum, respectively. He is interested in the system and architectural issues but also in algorithm problems related to those topics, using Markov Chains, Optimization algorithms, and Machine Learning (ML). Adlen Ksentini has given several tutorials in IEEE international conferences, IEEE Globecom 2015, IEEEE CCNC 2017/2018/2023, IEEE ICC 2017, IEEE/IFIP IM 2017, IEEE School 2019. Adlen Ksentini is a member of the OAI board of directors, where he is in charge of OAI 5G Core Network and ORAN management (O1, E2) for OAI RAN activities.



Comsoc and Computer Joint meeting: Mathematical Artificial Intelligence
July 19th
4:00 PM (1.2 hours)

Mathematical Artificial Intelligence

 By Prof. Shui Yu

 University of Technology Sydney



Artificial Intelligence is a leading topic in both academia and industry, and explainable AI (XAI) is a critical and hot topic of the field. However, we noticed that XAI is not the core of the business, and we expect deterministic AI models. In this talk, we will report the current landscape of XAI, and then introduce the next stage after XAI – Mathematical AI (MAI). We will mainly present how the mathematical tools, such as differential geometry and group theory, are used build deterministic AI models. At the end of the talk, we will present some cases of the application of MAI. We hope the talk will shed light on the promising field for interested audience.

IEEE SSCS Oregon Chapter 2024 Summer Social
July 19th
4:00 PM (3 hours)
Wildwood Taphouse

IEEE SSCS Oregon Chapter 2024 Summer Social

Join us at Wildwood Taphouse, in Cedar Mill, from 4:00pm to 7:00pm on Friday, July 19th, 2024. Drinks, beverage, and hors d'oeuvres are on the Oregon SSCS Chapter! Please Register on vTools so that we can have an accurate headcount and plan accordingly.


IEEE SSCS Oregon Chapter July Meeting and Seminar (Hybrid)
July 19th
11:00 AM (1 hour)
Jones Farm Conference Center

IEEE SSCS Oregon Chapter July Meeting and Seminar

Join us for a talk from SSCS Distinguished Lecturer Prof. Shreyas Sen from Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, on Friday, July 19th, 2024. The seminar will be held from 11:00am to 12:00pm (PST) via a Hybrid format. Please register for the meeting link and information.



Secure and Efficient Internet of Bodies using Electro-Quasistatic Human Body Communication



We are living in the age of human-machine augmentation and coexistence (e.g., smartphones, AI assistants, computers, earbuds, smart watches) and steadily marching towards a new age of human-machine seamless cooperation (HMC) or even symbiosis. Radiative communication using electromagnetic (EM) fields is the state-of-the-art for connecting wearable and implantable devices enabling prime applications in the fields of connected healthcare, electroceuticals, neuroscience, augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) and human-computer interaction (HCI) and HMC, forming a subset of the Internet of Things called the Internet of Bodies (IoB). However, owing to such radiative nature of the traditional wireless communication, EM signals propagate in all directions, inadvertently allowing an eavesdropper to intercept the information. Moreover, since only a fraction of the energy is picked up by the intended device, and the need for high carrier frequency compared to information content, wireless communication tends to suffer from poor energy-efficiency (>nJ/bit). Noting that all IoB devices share a common medium, i.e. the human body, utilizing the conductivity of the human the body allows low-loss transmission, termed as human body communication (HBC) and improves energy-efficiency. Conventional HBC implementations still suffer from significant radiation compromising physical security and efficiency. Our recent work has developed Electro-Quasistatic Human Body Communication (EQS-HBC), a method for localizing signals within the body using low-frequency transmission, thereby making it extremely difficult for a nearby eavesdropper to intercept critical private data, thus producing a covert communication channel, i.e., the human body as a ‘wire’ along with reducing interference and providing 100x more efficient communication than Bluetooth.
In this talk, I will highlight recent advancements in the field of IoB enabled by the Body-as-a-Wire technology which has a strong promise to become the future of Body Area Network (BAN) along with it’s counterpart in the Brain leading to broadband communication. We will focus on the circuit model developed in recent literature explaining the fundamental behavior of Electro-Quasistatic Body and Brain Communication, leading to understanding of channel loss. We will finally show how such low-power communication is paving the way forward for Secure and Efficient IoB for seamless Human-Machine Co-operation.


Speaker Biography:

Shreyas Sen is an Elmore Associate Professor of ECE & BME, Purdue University. His current research interests span mixed-signal circuits/systems and electromagnetics for the Internet of Bodies (IoB) and Hardware Security. He has co-authored 3 book chapters, over 200 journal and conference papers and has 25 patents granted/pending. Dr. Sen serves as the Director of the Center for Internet of Bodies (C-IoB) at Purdue. Dr. Sen is the inventor of the Electro-Quasistatic Human Body Communication (EQS-HBC), or Body as a Wire technology, for which, he is the recipient of the MIT Technology Review top-10 Indian Inventor Worldwide under 35 (MIT TR35 India) Award in 2018 and Georgia Tech 40 Under 40 Award in 2022. To commercialize this invention Dr. Sen founded Ixana and serves as the Chairman and CTO and led Ixana to awards such as 2x CES Innovation Award 2024, EE Times Silicon 100, Indiana Startup of the Year Mira Award 2023, among others. His work has been covered by 250+ news releases worldwide, invited appearances on TEDx Indianapolis, NASDAQ live Trade Talks at CES 2023, Indian National Television CNBC TV18 Young Turks Program, NPR subsidiary Lakeshore Public Radio and the CyberWire podcast. Dr. Sen is a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award 2020, AFOSR Young Investigator Award 2016, NSF CISE CRII Award 2017, Intel Outstanding Researcher Award 2020, Google Faculty Research Award 2017, Purdue CoE Early Career Research Award 2021, Intel Labs Quality Award 2012 for industry wide impact on USB-C type, Intel Ph.D. Fellowship 2010, IEEE Microwave Fellowship 2008, GSRC Margarida Jacome Best Research Award 2007, and nine best paper awards including IEEE CICC 2019, 2021 and in IEEE HOST 2017-2020, for four consecutive years. Dr. Sen's work was chosen as one of the top-10 papers in the Hardware Security field (TopPicks 2019). He serves/has served as an Associate Editor for IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits (JSSC), Solid-State Circuits Letters (SSC-L), Nature Scientific Reports, Frontiers in Electronics, IEEE Design & Test, Executive Committee member of IEEE Central Indiana Section and Technical Program Committee member of TPC member of ISSCC, CICC, DAC, CCS, IMS, DATE, ISLPED, ICCAD, ITC, and VLSI Design. Dr. Sen is a Senior Member of IEEE and Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE SSCS society.

Mastering Your Money: Essential Steps for Financial Success in Your 20s & 30s
July 18th
8:00 PM (1.5 hours)
220 S King Street
Honolulu, HI

Join us for the first part of our 3-part Financial Seminar Series with Central Pacific Bank! Learn about important money moves to ensure your financial success in your 20s, 30s, and beyond.

After the event, the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) Young Professionals will be hosting a pau hana at Ferguson’s down the street.


01          Millennials and the Need for Financial Planning

02          Establish a Budget and Stick with It

03          Manage Credit Cards Wisely

04          Become an Investor

05          Take Full Advantage of Your Workplace Retirement Plan

Intern and Young Professional Happy Hour
July 18th
5:30 PM (3 hours)
383 Castro Street
Mountain View, CA

IEEE Bay Area Summer Social

Come join us for a fun Thursday evening at Ludwigs Biergarten Mountain View! Network with local IEEE young professionals and students in the area for internships, while enjoying delicious food and drinks. This in-person event is the perfect opportunity to relax, unwind, and connect with like-minded professionals in a casual setting. Don't miss out on this chance to make new friends and build connections to help you navigate the transition from student to working professional.

First drink is on us, and we will provide appetizers to share. Price of admission (including drink and food) is for young professionals and for students/interns. See you there!


Why Connect with Young Professionals?

Getting involved with your local IEEE Young Professional (YP) organization is a great way to bridge the transition between academic life and a full-fledged professional career. A few key benefits of being involved in your local YP section include:


  • Networking Opportunities: IEEE YP events bring together like-minded individuals from diverse technical backgrounds. It's a perfect platform to expand your professional network, potentially connecting you with future collaborators, mentors, or employers.
  • Professional Development: Gain valuable insights and skills through workshops, seminars, and panel discussions tailored to enhance your professional growth. These events often cover topics ranging from technical advancements to career advancement strategies.
  • Transition from Student to Professional: For students/interns transitioning into full-time roles, IEEE YP provides a supportive environment helping navigate this crucial career phase successfully.
  • Friendship and Camaraderie: Beyond professional benefits, IEEE YP fosters friendships and camaraderie among its members. Building a strong network of peers who share your interests can make your professional journey more fulfilling and enjoyable.

Public Transportaion and Parking

There are multiple city parking lots and parking garages nearby. Moutain View Cal Train Station is with in walking distance to the venue.


BWTC- Bridging Physics and Machine Learning: Real-World Applications
July 18th
3:45 PM (1.2 hours)
Stockman’s Restaurant, 1175 Pier View Drive
Idaho Falls, ID

Abstract- The integration of physics-informed machine learning (PIML) represents a paradigm shift in scientific and engineering research, offering a powerful framework to address complex, real-world problems by embedding physical laws into data-driven models. Investigating the synergy between traditional physics-based approaches and advanced machine learning techniques is important to enhance model efficiency, interpretability, and robustness. PIML has applications across various domains, including fluid dynamics, material science, climate modeling, and biomedical engineering. In fluid dynamics, PIML models demonstrate remarkable accuracy in predicting turbulent flows, significantly advancing simulation capabilities for aerospace and mechanical engineering applications. In material science, PIML accelerates the discovery of novel materials with optimized properties, driving innovation in sectors such as electronics and renewable energy. Climate modeling benefits from the enhanced precision of PIML, crucial for improving weather forecasts and addressing climate change impacts. In biomedical engineering, PIML enhances diagnostic accuracy and treatment planning, contributing to improved patient outcomes and healthcare efficiency. 

Advanced X-ray Imaging Technologies for Heterogeneous 3D IC Package Metrology and Inspection
July 18th
12:00 PM (1 hour)

The advent of 3D Heterogeneous Integration (3DHI) in advanced packaging and wafer-level IC packaging introduces significant challenges for inline defect inspection and offline failure analysis. The 3D stacking and wafer bonding processes create optically opaque structures, necessitating techniques like x-rays to penetrate multiple buried layers for defect detection. However, as device features in 3DHI continue to shrink (e.g., microbumps shrinking to

High Performance Fractional-N PLL Design and Its Application for 5G New Radio
July 18th
6:00 AM (1.5 hours)

High performance fractional-N phase-locked loops (PLLs) are essential elements of any advanced electronic systems. In recent years, both analog and all-digital PLLs employing sampling or sub-sampling phase detector have gained popularity and demonstrated below 100-fs integrated jitter and superior figure-of-merit. This talk focuses on this PLL architecture and elaborates the advanced design techniques to achieve low jitter, low fractional spurs, and low power operation. Both analog circuits design and digital calibration techniques will be presented in detail. In addition, a complete LO chain design example for 5G New Radio will be illustrated in a 28/39 GHz dual-polarized 5G mm-wave cellular chipset, supporting 256-QAM and non-contiguous carrier aggregation.

"Systems and Software for Averting an Energy Crisis" IEEE OCCS & OC ACM Mtg
July 17th
6:30 PM (2 hours)
2040 Main St
Irvine, CA

Event Details  

Per a recent Forbes article, "The rise of generative AI and surging GPU shipments is causing data centers to scale from tens of thousands to 100,000-plus accelerators, shifting the emphasis to power as a mission-critical problem to solve." making this talk particularly relevant.

The US Department of Energy projects that by the year 2055, given current projected growth, electrical demand for devices including the internet will exceed the capacity of planet Earth to provide that power. The electrical demands on data processing centers in a world of AI and cryptocurrency on top of standard workloads lead the industry down an unsustainable path. Hyperscale systems are feverishly adding processing, memory, storage, connectivity fabric, and communications at an alarming rate. Software engineers need to be part of the total cost of ownership calculation to address this energy crisis.
This talk details some key aspects of the system architectures that are being deployed in data centers, with focus on data movement between resources. Every time data is moved there is inherent inefficiency; we will calculate the wasted data movement in key parts of the system architecture. With this analysis, it is clear that the expansion of the data center architecture has exacerbated the variations in access latency time to each resource as well.

Software developers can leverage knowledge of the energy flow through the system to improve efficiency. Gains can be made on every level from the choice of machine level data types – to choice of high level languages – to various programmer interfaces between the application and the hardware resources. The variations in media access latency are only getting wider and more complex, so software developers are tasked with comprehending not only what data to process but where to place it in the system hierarchy.

The call to action will summarize some of the specific ways careful software engineering can help us avert the looming power crisis.

About the Speaker Bill Gervasi. 

Bill Gervasi is Principal Systems Architect for Wolley Inc, designing advanced memory and storage solutions for data 

NOTE:  This is an IN PERSON meeting.  To receive a link to the event's recording, complete the survey referenced in the header or footer.

Set up your Workspace - Part 1/3 of the Bring Your Own Platform(BYOP) Workshop Series
July 17th
6:30 PM (2 hours)

The software that drives Autonomous Systems, such as Robots and Self-driving cars, runs on Platforms that can run the software fast and reliably. The platform may be broader than just the operating system or environment in which the software runs. It's the ecosystem where software is created, deployed, and maintained on diverse devices. Platform applications such as the Robot Operating System(ROS) and Docker serve numerous industries. Most Software Developers get a platform to add their software to, with their new badge and notepad, the first day they join a new employer, thanks to the SW Architect or Platform team. However, if you want to create a blue-sky application, you may find yourself unmoored without an existing platform or adopt one with more than you bargained for. 

This hands-on workshop series will help you build a minimal and general platform that may be specialized to your new application. Attendees are encouraged to bring their laptops and learn by doing. The style of this workshop is collaborative and conversational. This workshop is suitable for beginners and experts alike. The organizers intend to create a space to help beginners up the learning curve and allow practitioners to share their best practices.  

We will spend the first of the three sessions setting up a workspace for the platform. The agenda is as follows. 

  • Set up Linux WSL if using a Windows PC
  • Create Hello World Workspace 
  • Build and execute Hello World with G++
  • Set up VS Code to Run and Debug Hello World
  • Include a dependency on an external library 
  • Use a build tool, such as Colcon, to manage packages
Quantum Computing: What are the opportunities for microwave engineers ?
July 17th
6:00 PM (2.5 hours)
500 El Camnino Real
Santa Clara, CA

Learn about microwaves in quantum computing, superconducting qubit tech & examples from Google's state-of-the-art Sycamore quantum computer.

IEEECC Event - 17 July 2024 @ 6PM "A Taxonomy for LGBTQIA+ Inclusion in Social Media Platforms" Dr. Maryam Majedi (UCSB-ENG/CS)
July 17th
6:00 PM (2.5 hours)
Rusty's Pizza
Goleta, CA

In-Person Location - Rusty's Pizza 5934 Calle Real, Goleta, CA 93117

or Optional Virtual Webex Attendance

6:00 PM - Complimentary Pizza, Salad, Beverage

6:25 PM - Central Coast Status

6:30 PM - Dr. Majedi Presents

Please join us on July 17th when Dr. Majedi will present a seminar on the importance of diversity and inclusion in Social Media Platform Design. Guests are welcome. Please REGISTER NOW below. Note Attendance Type: In-Person or Virtual. Best regards. Ruth Franklin IEEE Central Coast Chair.


Virtual Graduate Study Consortium (VGSC) WORKSHOP at LACCEI
July 17th
1:00 PM (2 hours)
San Jose, SJO

This 2 hours workshop is an opportunity to learn more about the IEEE SA standards sponsored by IEEE Education Society (EdSoc), the IEEE SA Std. 1876-2019 on Networked Smart Learning Objects for Online Laboratories and IEEE SA P2834 Standard for Secure and Trusted Learning Systems co-sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society and IEEE Computer Society / Learning Technology Standards Committee. This event offers students, faculty, and industry members the opportunity to collaborate around the EdSoc Virtual Graduate Study Consortium (VGSC) and motivate their future participation in IEEE SA working groups.


Tour of Chugach Electric Combined Cycle Plant 2A
July 17th
12:30 PM (2 hours)
Plant 2A
Anchorage, AK

Please join us for a tour of the newest and most efficient combined cycle power plant in the State of Alaska. The Sullivan Plant features two GE LM6000 aeroderivative gas turbines, a Siemens steam turbine, and heat exchangers to dump the waste heat into the municipal water supply during the winter months to lower water heating bills and to prevent pipe freezing. Lunch will be provided.

Seattle 2024 GM Local Organizing Committee - Volunteer Training Session
July 17th
12:00 PM (1.5 hours)

Seattle 2024 GM Local Organizing Committee - Volunteer Training Session

IEEE Seattle Section Excom Meeting July 2024
July 16th
7:00 PM (2 hours)

IEEE Seattle Section Excom meeting with chapter and society chairs. 

HDD vs SSD Reliability Approaches
July 16th
6:15 PM (1.8 hours)
Sunnyvale Community Center
Sunnyvale, CA
Speaker:Bernhard Hiller, Western Digital Corporation



Hard Disk Drives (HDD) and Solid-State Devices (SSD) are the storage work horses in today’s data world. At Western Digital Corporation, we are in the unique position to have in-depth insights into reliability assurance methods for both technologies.  We will discuss interesting commonalities, differences, and opportunities, with focus on Data Center and Enterprise devices.

SusTech Talk July 2024 – Student Engaged Learning Model
July 16th
6:00 PM (1 hour)
SusTech Talk July 2024 – Student Engaged Learning Model

SusTech 2025 is hosting talks on Sustainability topics leading up to the Conference April 23-25.

“Sustainable Mountain Development on the Campus: The Synergy of the Student Engaged Learning Model in the Context of Applying AI and High Technologies to Higher Education”

with Baktybek Abdrisaev and Tyler Jaynes, Utah Valley University, USA

Date/Time: July 16, 2034, 6 – 7 pm PDT (7 – 8 pm MDT)


Among the many challenges impacting higher education today, the ability to blend the ever-present changes in AI (artificial intelligence) and other high technologies with coursework stands out as a critical aspect of a well-rounded academic program. Particularly with respect to engaging college-level students in activities promoting the U.N’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their numerous targets, there is a growing need to establish an effective learning model that can encourage individual technological literacy while also showing how students can apply their field of study to sustainable community development. This talk will focus on how the Student Engaged Learning (SEL) model (as employed by Utah Valley University) can be an effective tool to raise individual awareness of sustainable community development, promote digital literacy and critical thinking, and prepare students for changes in labor market demands. By exploring how a focus on Sustainable Mountain Development (SMD) through the SEL model has resulted in positive student outcomes, we display how other sustainable community emphases can result in equivalent results.


Careers in Technology Summer Series 2024 - Lou Gullo - Reliability Engineering /Technology
July 16th
5:00 PM (1 hour)

This session on reliability engineering/technology will focus on reliability engineering as an engineering discipline and profession that is critical for today's complex and critical systems, and reliability technology as a constantly evolving technology in electrical/electronic/mechanical system design and development. This session will also focus on the history of IEEE reliability standards and the latest standards being developed by IEEE to move reliability engineering and technology further. Examples of IEEE reliability standards will be provided. Also, excerpts from my first book, Design for Reliability (DfR), by Raheja and Gullo, will be provided.

CLAS Executive Committee July Meeting - joint meeting with IEEE CSUDH students
July 15th
6:00 PM (2.5 hours)
Carson, CA
Dear All, Our June ExCom meeting will be held via Zoom on Monday, July 15, 2024 at California State University Dominguez Hills in room number SAC2 2107. Dinner and Discussions about the Student sessions for the Silicon Beach Conference will start at 6PM.  The Excom meeting will start at 7:30.  The meeting will also be accessible via Zoom. The Zoom instructions are shown below. I look forward to seeing you all on Monday, July 15.
vTools Labs Meeting
July 15th
1:00 PM (1 hour)

See agenda for details. Registration is optional but will get you a meeting reminder and any updates.

Global Symposium on High-Power Electromagnetics: Register by July 4 and SAVE!
July 14th
3:30 PM (5 days)
AT&T Conference Center
Austin, TX


The GlobalEM 2024 Symposium is unique in that it brings together international experts in high-power electromagnetics.   This Symposium started as a small gathering organized on Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico, by the late Dr. Carl Baum as the first Nuclear EMP (electromagnetic pulse) Meeting (NEM) in 1973.  Since 1978, the SUMMA Foundation, a non-profit organization, has sponsored the Symposium. In 1994, the Symposium was held in Bordeaux, France, as EUROEM and subsequently rotated between Europe and North America as EUROEM and AMEREM, respectively.  In 2015, the Symposium was organized in Jeju, South Korea, as ASIAEM.  Beginning in 2022, the series was renamed GlobalEM and will continue to rotate annually among North America, Europe, and Asia.  

GlobalEM 2024 includes social/networking events, invited speakers, numerous technical papers, an exhibition, and a technical tour!  AT&T Conference Center is ideally located in downtown Austin, near the University of Texas at Austin campus, restaurants and shops, as well as Austin-Bergstrom International Airport.  A block of guest rooms have been reserved at the AT&T Conference Center at a discounted group rate.


This Symposium is organized by the SUMMA Foundation. The working language of the Symposium is English. There will be a technical exhibition during the week, a Welcome Reception on the evening of Sunday, 14 July, a Gala Dinner on Wednesday, 17 July, and a technical tour of ETS-Lindgren's world headquarters on Friday, 19 July.  


If you are interested in exhibiting, view the exhibit and sponsor opportunities here for more information.  ONE BOOTH ONLY REMAINS AVAILABLE ON A FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED BASIS. Contact Janet O'Neil at to secure your space while still available.


Online registration is OPEN - register by the advance registration deadline of July 4, 2024 and SAVE!  


This Symposium is sponsored by SUMMA Foundation, a charitable organization formed under the laws of the United States.

President of SUMMA Foundation: Dr. Edl Schamiloglu, 

For more information, view the GlobalEM 2024 website here.

Region 6 Young Professionals Game Night!
July 13th
6:00 PM (2 hours)

Join us for a Region 6 Young Professionals Game Night! We will be playing various Jackbox games.

Meet your peers, hang out with old friends.

Discord invite:

Summer BBQ Picnic
July 13th
10:00 AM (4 hours)
2021 NW 190TH STREET
Admission fee may apply

Join us for our annual summer picnic, a fantastic day of fun, food, and networking at Richmond Beach Saltwater Park! This event is the perfect opportunity to relax, connect with fellow members, and enjoy the beautiful summer weather in a picturesque park setting.

EMBS Executive Officer Meeting
July 12th
12:00 PM (1 hour)

Meeting to catchup with leadership team, current status, planning for next few months.

IEEE Hawaii July ExCom
July 11th
9:30 PM (1 hour)
2540 Dole Street
Honolulu, HI

Monthly ExCom meeting. All Section members welcome.

Dinner will be provided for per person. Please give cash to Matt on the day of.


IEEE SPS SCV - Multimedia Forensics: Challenges and Opportunities in the Era of Large Models
July 11th
7:00 PM (1.5 hours)

With the implementation and wide application of related tools such as ChatGPT and Sora, people realized that seeing is indeed no longer believing. More recently, the emergence of diffusion models with powerful generation capabilities has driven this topic forward. Subsequently, as the powerful tools for deepfake generation, corresponding detection technologies continuously evolved hence raising more security concerns of the public. This talk will discuss the development of multimedia forensics and focus on researching four representative deepfake fields: face swapping/face reenactment, talking face generation, and facial attribute editing, as well as forgery and deepfake detection and will finally analyze the challenges and future research directions of the discussed fields.

IEEE OC Section ExCom Meeting - July 11th 2024, MOVED ON-LINE
July 11th
6:30 PM (2 hours)

IEEE Orange County Section Executive Committee Monthly meeting - occurs every 2nd Thursday of the month.

All IEEE OC Committee/Chapter/Affinity/SIG Chair/Key Volunteers (or their proxy) are requested to attend. Other IEEE members are also welcome to attend. Please RVSP here to receive the meeting login information. Routine attendance is required to qualify for your chapter annual IEEE rebate.

To AVOID unauthorized attendance you MUST REGISTER for this event so that you can be sent the meeting link.



New Frontiers in Integrated Sensing and Communications
July 11th
6:00 PM (2 hours)
Global Innovation Exchange
Bellevue, WA

Abstract: In this talk, we focus on the recent developments toward integrated sensing and communications (ISAC). We consider a broad definition of coexistence, which covers ISAC, collaborative communications, and sensing with interference. Toward fully realizing the coexistence of the two systems, optimization of resources for both new/futuristic sensing and wireless communications modalities is crucial. These synergistic approaches that exploit the interplay between state sensing and communications are both driving factors and opportunities for many current signal processing and information-theoretic techniques. In addition, a large body of prior works considers collocated ISAC systems while distributed systems remain relatively unexamined. Building on the existing approaches, the tutorial focuses on highlighting emerging scenarios in collaborative and distributed ISAC, particularly at mm-Wave and THz frequencies, highly dynamic vehicular/automotive environments that would benefit from information exchange between the two systems. It presents the architectures and possible methodologies for mutually beneficial distributed co-existence and co-design, including sensor fusion and heterogeneously distributed radar and communications. The tutorial also considers recent developments such as the deployment of intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRS) in ISAC, 5G systems, passive internet-of-things, and ISAC secrecy rate optimization. This tutorial aims to draw the attention of the radar, communications, and signal processing communities toward an emerging area, which can benefit from the cross-fertilization of ideas in distributed systems.

2024 Richland Section Annual Picnic
July 11th
5:30 PM (2 hours)
South Shelter
richland, WA

IEEE Richland Section 2024 Annual Summer Picnic Thursday July 11th from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM At Howard Amon South Shelter Join us for a summer social and delicious catered food! No IEEE membership or fee is required Feel free to bring guests BBQ and vegetarian options will be provided RSVP by Monday, July 8th 6pm


500 Amon Park Dr, Richland, Washington, United States, 99354

Kapili Maui Fundraiser Pau Hana
July 10th
8:00 PM (3 hours)
1318 South Beretania Street
Honolulu, HI

Join us for an evening of good pupus and opportunities to network with fellow industry colleagues and friends as we continue to support communities affected by the Maui Wildfires.

July 10th
8:00 PM (1 hour)

EXCOM Meeting for IEEE PES Seattle Officers 

In-Person Distinguished Lecturer: New Frontiers in Integrated Sensing and Communications
July 10th
6:00 PM (2.2 hours)
Conference Room(Board Room)

In this talk, we focus on the recent developments toward integrated sensing and communications (ISAC). We consider a broad definition of coexistence, which covers ISAC, collaborative communications, and sensing with interference. Toward fully realizing the coexistence of the two systems, optimization of resources for both new/futuristic sensing and wireless communications modalities is crucial. These synergistic approaches that exploit the interplay between state sensing and communications are both driving factors and opportunities for many current signal processing and information-theoretic techniques. In addition, a large body of prior works considers colocated ISAC systems, while distributed systems remain relatively unexamined. Building on the existing approaches, the tutorial highlights emerging scenarios in collaborative and distributed ISAC, particularly at mm-Wave and THz frequencies, highly dynamic vehicular/automotive environments that would benefit from information exchange between the two systems. It presents the architectures and possible methodologies for mutually beneficial distributed co-existence and co-design, including sensor fusion and heterogeneously distributed radar and communications. The tutorial also considers recent developments such as deploying intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRS) in ISAC, 5G systems, passive internet-of-things, and ISAC secrecy rate optimization. This tutorial aims to draw the attention of the radar, communications, and signal processing communities toward an emerging area, which can benefit from the cross-fertilization of ideas in distributed systems.



Kumar Vijay Mishra (S’08-M’15-SM’18) obtained a Ph.D. in electrical engineering and an M.S. in mathematics from The University of Iowa in 2015, and an M.S. in electrical engineering from Colorado State University in 2012, while working on NASA’s Global Precipitation Mission Ground Validation (GPM-GV) weather radars. He received his B. Tech. summa cum laude (Gold Medal, Honors) in electronics and communication engineering from the National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur (NITH), India, in 2003. He is currently a Research Scientist at the Institute for Systems Research, The University of Maryland, College Park, under the ARL-ArtIAMAS program; Technical Adviser to Singapore-based automotive radar startup Hertzwell and Boston-based imaging radar startup Aura Intelligent Systems; and honorary Research Fellow at SnT - Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability, and Trust, University of Luxembourg.

Previously, he had research appointments at the United States Army Research Laboratory (ARL), Adelphi; Electronics and Radar Development Establishment (LRDE), Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) Bengaluru; IIHR - Hydroscience & Engineering, Iowa City, IA; Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs, Cambridge, MA; Qualcomm, San Jose; and Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. Dr. Mishra is the Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Communications Society (2023-2024), IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society (AESS) (2023-2024), IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (2023-2024), IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (2024-2025), and IEEE Future Networks Initiative (2022). He is the recipient of the IET Premium Best Paper Prize (2021), IEEE T-AES Outstanding Editor (2021), U.S. National Academies Harry Diamond Distinguished Fellowship (2018-2021), American Geophysical Union Editors' Citation for Excellence (2019), Royal Meteorological Society Quarterly Journal Editor's Prize (2017), Viterbi Postdoctoral Fellowship (2015, 2016), Lady Davis Postdoctoral Fellowship (2017), DRDO LRDE Scientist of the Year Award (2006), NITH Director’s Gold Medal (2003), and NITH Best Student Award (2003). He has received Best Paper Awards at IEEE MLSP 2019 and IEEE ACES Symposium 2019.

Dr. Mishra is Chair (2023-present) of the Synthetic Apertures Technical Working Group of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) and Vice-Chair (2021-present) of the IEEE Synthetic Aperture Standards Committee, which is the first SPS standards committee. He is the Chair (2023-2026) of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI) Commission C. He has been an elected member of three technical committees of IEEE SPS: SPCOM, SAM, and ASPS, and IEEE AESS Radar Systems Panel. He has been Senior Area Editor of IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (2024-), Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (2020-), and IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (2023-). He has been a lead/guest editor of several special issues in journals such as IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, and IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. He is the lead co-editor of three books on radar: Signal Processing for Joint Radar-Communications (Wiley-IEEE Press, 2024), Next-Generation Cognitive Radar Systems (IET Press Radar, Electromagnetics & Signal Processing Technologies Series, 2024), and Advances in Weather Radar Volumes 1, 2 & 3 (IET Press Radar, Electromagnetics & Signal Processing Technologies Series, 2024). His research interests include radar systems, signal processing, remote sensing, and electromagnetics.

Cheers Oceaneers! #3 – w/guest speaker Kevin Hardy: “SEALAB III: The Divers' Story”.
July 10th
5:30 PM (2.5 hours)
Leucadia Pizzeria
San Diego, CA

Cheers Oceaneers! #3 – w/guest speaker Kevin Hardy: “SEALAB III: The Divers' Story”.

Welcome to the third episode of monthly meetings for the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (OES), San Diego Chapter, which is hosting this meeting jointly along with TMA (The Maritime Alliance) and MTS (Marine Technology Society).

Please join us for networking and friendly conversation about everything oceanic, engineering, science, Blue Tech, and more, while enjoying pizza and drinks.  No need to be an IEEE or OES member, or TMA, or MTS.  Everyone is invited. 

This month, we have a special guest speaker, Kevin Hardy.  See speaker info section for details of presentation and speaker bio. 


July 10th, 2024, Wednesday


See agenda section for details.

Note: Monthly every 2nd Wednesday


Leucadia Pizzeria & Italian Restaurant

La Jolla / University City

7748 Regents Rd

San Diego, CA 92122


The enclosed patio is reserved for our group. 

No ticket required, but please order something for yourself from the restaurant.

The food and drinks are not being funded by the hosts.  Please open your own tab.


RSVPs are appreciated, but not required.  In your response, please indicate whether you are member of OES, TMA, and/or MTS.

IEEE Computer Society Seattle Chapter Speaker Event : Rahul Chaturvedi
July 10th
5:30 PM (1.5 hours)
450 110th Ave NE
Bellevue, WA
IEEE Computer Society Seattle Chapter is hosting a Tech Talk by Rahul Chaturvedi at Bellevue City Hall.  In person attendance is limited to the first 30 registrants, so make sure and register early. The presentation will be from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm, with up to 30 minutes following the meeting for discussion.  Navigating Redis ecosystem: Exploring Scalable Redis Solutions for High Performance & Reliability Redis, a powerful in-memory data store, is renowned for its versatility and performance in handling high-speed data operations. In this talk, we delve into the Redis ecosystem and we will examine the unique challenges and bottlenecks each solution addresses, as well as their advantages in different scenarios. Attendees will gain insights into the decision-making process for selecting the appropriate Redis setup to meet specific performance and reliability requirements, ensuring they can effectively harness the power of Redis for their high-demand applications.  
IEEE-USA Livestream Webinar: Defeating the Four Horsemen of the Mandated Return to Office: Employee Resistance, Attrition, Quiet Quitting, and DEI Description
July 10th
11:00 AM (1 hour)

This dynamic session uses case studies drawn from the IEEE community to explore effective strategies to address the challenges of mandated office returns, including employee resistance, attrition, quiet quitting, and maintaining diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). We'll dissect the nuanced dynamics of resistance, from overt opposition to subtler forms, and examine attrition trends that see employees seeking new opportunities in response to return mandates. The phenomenon of quiet quitting, characterized by minimal employee engagement, prompts a reevaluation of engagement and inclusivity strategies. A critical focus will be the impact of return policies on DEI efforts, particularly on underrepresented groups who may prefer remote work due to various socio-economic factors. This session offers actionable insights and best practices to navigate these challenges, fostering a thriving and inclusive post-pandemic workplace. All attendees will have an opportunity to receive a complimentary copy of the speaker's best-selling book on which this talk is based, called Returning to the Office and Leading Hybrid and Remote Teams



Wind Energy: A New Approach for Capturing an Untapped Energy Source
July 9th
7:00 PM (2 hours)
567 Yosemite Dr
Milpitas, CA

This event will be available live at SEMI, as well as over Zoom. Get to SEMI by 6:30pm to network – and enjoy great pizza and refreshments! All attendees MUST register using the Eventbrite form (see link).

Although it is very eco-friendly, growth in the wind turbine industry is slowing down. Today’s wind farms generally employ Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines (HAWTs), but their construction involves the major logistical feat of transporting huge blades (as long as 118 meters) to locations that are often remote. However, as HAWTs cannot handle the most turbulent air, they must be placed high above the ground and far apart from one another.

Promising research out of CalTech, Stanford, and other universities predicts that Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWTs), which are placed less than 100 feet above the ground in wind farms under existing HAWTs, will create synergies such that the overall energy output from their simultaneous operation is greater than what each would produce on its own.

Our speaker Kevin Wolf co-founded Wind Harvest International, a new company intending to introduce VAWTs. Their latest prototype has been able to operate in turbulent conditions at the UL test facility in Texas and achieve Technology Readiness Level 7. Core to this turbine’s success is its use of a VAWT aeroelastic engineering model validated using an earlier prototype’s field data. Out of this earlier experience, the engineering team came up with nine new inventions, including an innovative hinge design that is critical for the 70-year predicted fatigue life life based on a typical 15 million rotations per year.

Come to this event and learn about this innovative technology that could revive the wind turbine industry.

IEEE Alaska - ExCom
July 9th
7:00 PM (2 hours)

IEEE Alaska Executive Committee Meeting

Tuesday July 9, 2024 ⋅ 6pm – 8pm (Alaska Time - Anchorage)

Robert Posma is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting using the IEEE Alaska Section Account

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 988 3277 8456
Passcode: 269832


IEEE BV Talk: An Overview of Satcom Development and Recent Evolution
July 9th
6:30 PM (1.5 hours)
Cal Lutheran Center for Entrepreneurship (Hub101)
Westlake Village, CA

The field of satellite communications (Satcom)  has seen major changes and new developments  in the last few years. Most notably, we are experiencing the emergence of very large LEO (low earth orbit) constellations, major enhancements to space defense, important developments in earth observation as well as the required support associated with the new challenges of space exploration (lunar, planetary etc.)   

The traditional GEO (geostationary orbit) satcom market is facing major changes and challenges. The technical basis of satcom is highlighted and examples of important new architectures and applications are described.

This presentation focuses on non-military applications.

IEEE Foothill ExCom/OpCom July 2024 Monthly Hybrid Meeting
July 9th
6:30 PM (2.5 hours)
2970 Enland Empire Blvd
Ontario, CA

Every second Tuesday fo the month, the Foothill Section held its ExCom/OpCOm hybrid meeting.

Networking Night - hosted by the IEEE Orange County Section
July 9th
6:30 PM (1.5 hours)
Sgt. Pepperoni's Pizza Store
Irvine, CA

Networking Night

hosted by the IEEE Orange County Section


Join us for an in-person networking event for meet-and-greet with members of the IEEE Orange County Section.


Food will be provided. Register to allow for proper planning.

(Include any dietary restrictions during registration to allow organizers to adjust orders. We'll make an effort to meet your needs, but requests are not guaranteed)

Check out the group photo from our last Networking Night in June on our website:

IEEE Oregon July Excom (Virtual)
July 9th
6:30 PM (1.5 hours)

IEEE Oregon July Excom

Careers in Technology Summer Series 2024 - Amanda Alfaro - Leading Development Teams: An Agile Journey
July 9th
5:00 PM (1 hour)

Leading a development team in an agile environment mirrors guiding the Fellowship of the Ring. Both require a clear vision, diverse skills, strong collaboration, adaptability to challenges, and a foundation of trust and respect. This talk will explore how principles from the Lord of the Rings can be applied to agile practices, illustrating how unity and perseverance drive successful development teams.

An introduction to Li-Fi; Analysis and review of the new IEEE 802.11 bb standard
July 8th
5:30 PM (1 hour)

An introduction to Li-Fi; Analysis and review of the new IEEE 802.11 bb standard:

Abstract: We will begin by reviewing a brief overview of the current state of Li-Fi technology, the overall picture of previous Li-Fi systems, and ongoing research and industrial solutions. Then, we will cover the IEEE 802.11 bb PHY standard and its new definitions. This talk will cover the main topics of the standard: channel access, multiplexing methods, wavelength ranges, and TX/RX methods.
Eventually, we will propose Light Links' commercial approach for a hybrid, easy-to-implement Light Communication (LC) system derived from the IEEE 802.11 bb standard with the addition of a MAC layer protocol to enable co-existence with previous IEEE 802.11 standards.


Firouz Vafadari, CEO and founder of Light Links Inc. is a second-year Ph.D. student at UCSC and—the previous founder of a networking company in the Middle East.

Tyler B. Morton, CTO and co-founder of Light Links Inc., is a first-year Ph.D. student at UCSC with internship experience at the U.S. Navy and DoD.


Women in Engineering Leadership Panel: Project Management and Career Advancement
July 6th
1:00 PM (1 hour)

Join us for an inspiring and empowering virtual panel discussion on Project Management and Career Advancement, part of our celebration for Women in Engineering Day! 🌟. The panel will share their expertise and insights on effective leadership, project management, and career development for women in the engineering sector.

📅 Date: July 6
🕙 Time: 10:00 AM (Hawaii time)
📍 Location: Online

#womeninengineeringday #IEEEWIEDay #WIELead #womenempowerment

#engineer #IEEE #stem

Caffeinate&Connect: IEEE Young Professionals Networking Hour
July 6th
10:00 AM (1 hour)
Saranac Commons
Spokane, WA

Join us for an inspiring morning of professional growth and networking at our "Connect & Caffeinate: IEEE Young Professionals Networking Hour." Whether you're an early-career engineer, a student, or an industry enthusiast, this event provides an ideal platform to connect with like-minded professionals, exchange insights, and stay informed about upcoming IEEE events. Over freshly brewed coffee, we'll discuss exciting opportunities, share ideas, and build valuable networks.

As an added bonus, at the end of the hour, our Young Professionals officers will be hosting their meeting. All attendees are welcome to listen in, learn more about our initiatives, and even get involved in shaping the future of our community.

We look forward to seeing you there as we caffeinate, connect, and collaborate to boost your professional journey!


Sponsored by Black Label Brewing Company

CANCELLED! AI in Public Transit
July 4th
5:15 PM (1 hour)

This will be an amazing event. 

Ethics Talk — What is wrong with AI ethics and how do we fix it?
July 3rd
5:00 PM (1 hour)
Santa Clara, CA

AI ethics are currently being done in a way that rely on methods of idealization—commonly used in ethics and philosophy—both in how individual issues are addressed but also in so far as the ethical landscaped is being distributed into subdisciplines of AI ethics (e.g., ethics of explainable AI and algorithmic fairness). This talk highlights how some of the features of this approach leads to challenges for ethical analysis, based on which he then sketches ways in which AI ethics can respond to these challenges.

Speaker: Dr. Björn Lundgren(vice president of the Int’l Association of Computing & Philosophy)
IEEE Smart Manufacturing
July 3rd
9:00 AM (13 hours)

Join us for a session on Smart Manufacturing. What makes a factory Smart? See how automation and robotics play a key role in the seemless operation of a smart manufacturing plant. 

IEEE CN Smart Cities Riyadh
July 3rd
7:00 AM (1 hour)

Join us for an intuitive session on Smart Cities Riyadh. How is this Saudi Arabian City excelling in the Smart Cities realm? Find out how this top city is advancing in health, mobility, virtual reality B2B, connectivity and water. 


July 2nd
7:30 PM (1 hour)
Room244, Holmes Hall, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Honolulu, HI

🚀 BEHawaii, a Hawaii nonprofit organization, empowers and elevates Hawaiiʻs people by raising awareness and providing support to create prosperity.

This workshop will present our initiative, the Lei Poina’ole Project, to support the sustainable growth and longevity of Hawaii's lei industry through community partnerships, educational programs, and a network of growers, makers, and vendors.

  • Refreshments provided
  • Lei-making session

#BusinessImprovement #BEHawaii #leiindustry #nonprofit #IEEEIndustry #IEEEWomeninEngineering


Seattle Local Organizing Committee to Support July General Meeting
July 2nd
5:30 PM (1 hour)

Meeting of all of the Local Organizing Committee Chairs and Support Team Members

A Hands-On introduction to Large Language Models like Microsoft Copilot Chat and ChatGPT
July 2nd
5:00 PM (3 hours)
Santa Clara, CA
A three-hour hands-on workshop giving a brief history of the last few months of development of "Generative AI." These generative AI services and these Large Language Models, offer present promise and peril -- disruption -- to ways of working and of learning. Outside the "hype," these tools are "calculators for words" and allow the same manipulation and reflection of a user's words as a calculator offers for a user's numbers. This workshop introduces basic concepts, dispels myths, demonstrates effective prompting techniques, and offers a venue for Q&A around these services, how they work, and how we should use them. We hope to provide a webcast link, but in-person attendance is required for full participation, as is the use of a laptop for full participation in all exercises. Remember: a LLM is "Always confident and usually correct."
What resources can the IEEE provide?
July 2nd
3:30 PM (1 hour)

The IEEE recognizes that to attract more members as well as retain current members, we need to provide more benefits that they care about. The Young Professionals group is interested in hearing more from the local members on how we can better serve you. Join Michael Chavez, the Young Professionals of Northern Nevada Chair in learning about options we are exploring including PE preparation, merchandise, professional networking opportunities, and community enhancement.

Afterwords there will be time for questions, comments, and requests for additional programs. This meeting is for your benefit, but if you are unable to make it and would like some basic slides and notes sent your away, or otherwise have ideas you would like to send forward, please send them to

Planning Life Member activities for rest of 2024
July 2nd
3:00 PM (1 hour)

This a meeting to plan Life Member events.

Please drop in on this virtual meeting or send email.

Comsoc Sister Chapter Program (SCP) lecture series: IEEE senior member/fellow programs: requirements and nominations
July 2nd
7:30 AM (1.5 hours)


In the first part of the meeting, Dr. Zhang will cover the senior elevation process (why becoming senior, senior member requirements, application process, how to find references, how to calculate number of years of experiences, and how to prepare application materials,  etc.).

In the second part,  Dr. Don Tan will cover the Fellow program.  Under Don’s leadership, the IEEE Fellow Committee has planned a full implementation of the BoD approved improvements, particularly specific measures for geographical and technical diversity measures and DE&I. The IEEE fellow grade is a prestigious recognition by the IEEE Board of Directors to a single individual for his or her technical accomplishments and contributions impacting society at large. It commands global acclaim and is a prestigious honor eagerly pursued by individuals worldwide. How do you answer the question then:   Am I qualified to be considered for an IEEE fellow, particularly, as a member from industry? What is the best way to prepare a nomination package? This talk by Dr. Tan will provide a unique perspective from an IEEE Fellow Committee Immediate Past Chair's viewpoint. It aims to demystify the fellow nomination and evaluation process. He will discuss on recent fellow statistics (Particularly those for Region 6 ), nomination package preparation, contribution category selection, references, endorsements, and qualification matrix details. A few samples from past successful nominations will be presented and discussed as well.

Battery Technologies
July 2nd
7:00 AM (1 hour)

Analytical Strategies for Battery Reliability and Safety: A Lifecycle Perspective

Ensuring the stability and longevity of batteries is paramount. In this presentation we will dive into the critical points of stability and lifecycle testing which are essential for advancing battery performance and safety.

Hosted by Simon Taylor, Segment Business Development Manager (Battery Technology) at METTLER TOLEDO, this session will explore the significance of thermal stability, electrolyte integrity, and material degradation. Simon leverages over 20 years of experience in analytical chemistry and product management to drive strategic solutions in the battery industry.

We will highlight how Analytical techniques such as Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Karl Fischer titration, pH measurement and UV-Vis spectroscopy are utilized to assess and enhance battery reliability and lifespan. We will also discuss the integration of LabX software in streamlining testing processes, ensuring compliance with industry standards.

Additionally, we will briefly spotlight the new collaboration between ABB Robotics and METTLER TOLEDO, which aims to boost laboratory and at-line testing through enhanced automation, driving efficiency and productivity for customers in rapid scale-up cycles.

This presentation is an excellent opportunity for professionals and researchers to gain valuable insights into the essential aspects of battery lifecycle testing, driving innovation and sustainability in battery technologies.

Join us for a session on battery technologies. What is the best battery type for your application? Battery energy storage systems, cell phones, EV, electric airplanes, data centers, and long haul trucking vehicles. What types of materials make the best battery? What types of batteries have the longest charge? Longest life? most economical $$? Where do old batteries go? How to monitor the health of your battery? Find out this and more today as we take a deep dive into battery technologies. 

IEEE Battery Technologies
July 1st
10:00 AM (1 hour)

Join us for a session on Battery Technologies. Find out which battery type and quantity is best for your application. What is the best charge level to keep a battery at? What technologies have the longest battery life? Find out where the industry will be 3-5 years from now. Why are large data centers investing in batteries? What are the components that make-up a battery? Can the astronauts make batteries with the elements on the moon? Find out this and more today at our session! 

Fostering Inclusive Workplaces: Building a Culture of Diversity and Equality in Engineering through Advocacy and Allyship
June 30th
9:30 AM (1.5 hours)

IEEE Women in Engineering Oregon Section and Hawaii Section Affinity Group are teaming up to host a dynamic panel discussion a panel discussion titled,  "Fostering Inclusive Workplaces: Building a Culture of Diversity and Equality in Engineering through Advocacy and Allyship ," to celebrate the 2024 IEEE WIE Day.

We, IEEE Women in Engineering Oregon Section and Hawaii Section AG, are dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion within the engineering community. We believe that creating inclusive workplaces is essential for fostering a thriving and innovative industry through the advancement of AI and 4IR technologies. 

The panel discussion will explore various strategies for promoting diversity and equality in engineering for the advancement of AI and 4IR technologies, with a focus on advocacy and allyship. 

Let’s encourage each other to support the advancement of women in STEM across the globe!


IEEE PES Bay Area Social BBQ at SF Presidio Tunnel Tops
June 29th
11:00 AM (4 hours)
Presidio Tunnel Tops
San Francisco, CA

Come socialize with fellow IEEE members at the beautiful SF Presidio Tunnel Tops!  Our IEEE SF PES Chapter is hosting this summer BBQ to bring together members, your family and/or friends. IEEE SF PES will provide the food. Enjoy the sun and toss a frisbee or football and enjoy the amazing Golden Gate Bridge views! Picnic tables are limited to 56 people, so please provide your group count when you register. We look forward to seeing everyone!

Please be advised that the parking lot adjacent to Picnic Place is extremely limited. There are several parking lots in the Main Post area of the Presidio within a short walking distance. Use the address 122 Anza Ave, SF CA 94129 to get to the large parking lot across the street from the Presidio Tunnel Tops. There is also parking near 220 Halleck Street at the intersection of Halleck St and French Ct. Please note that most parking lots in the Presidio charge an hourly fee, which is paid at the kiosk in the lot. 

Picnic Place is easily accessible via public transit! If you are coming via the free Presidio Shuttle, exit the Shuttle at the Presidio Transit Center. 

OCCS DVP Talk: Facilitating Security and Trust among Multiple Parties through Blockchain Techniques
June 28th
3:00 PM (3 hours)
5270 California Ave
Irvine, CA
Admission fee may apply

*Hybrid event but in-person attendance encouraged - opportunity to meet and greet the distinguished lecturer as well as local IEEE ExCom members!  

With the prosperity of edge computing, massive users and devices at the network edge are more actively involved in the networks, pushing the information collection, computation, storage, and communications more towards end users. In these more decentralized systems, how to enable efficient and trustworthy interactions among different parties becomes an essential issue. 

Blockchain has been considered as a promising approach to facilitate the establishment of decentralized trustworthy computing systems with non-repudiated information records. For example, Bitcoin has attracted wide attention as a secure and decentralized platform to enable peer-to-peer exchanges of digital currency. Ethereum then generalizes blockchain as a state machine and enables smart contracts, a piece of code that can support complex logic and be self-executed when certain conditions are met. Such generalization enables blockchain to potentially serve as a computing infrastructure and opens new opportunities for blockchain to facilitate secure and decentralized interactions among any parties without making high trust assumptions about them.

In this talk, we will discuss some key characteristics of blockchain and a few promising applications of blockchain that can facilitate security and trust among multiple parties. Some examples include designing a secure and efficient multi-signature scheme to facilitate multi-party approval process on Fabric, an enterprise blockchain platform; applying blockchain to secure software updates for resource-constrained IoT networks; and to facilitate fair trading in transactive energy market.

IEEE Hawaii WIE Excom - June
June 27th
8:30 PM (1 hour)

IEEE Hawaii WIE ExCom monthly meeting to discuss future events and initiatives.

Leveraging RCM to Reduce Operating Costs
June 27th
5:00 PM (2 hours)
Washington County Chamber of Commerce

Our speaker this month will be Micah Rolfe of PdM Specialists. He will be talking about maintaining and improving lab machinery for accuracy, reliability and longevity. Both EMC and Product Safety use large equipment for performing tests, and knowing how and why equipment performance degrades over time can greatly impact how we budget for and approach equipment maintenance, as well as a framework on what to plan for future installations of new equipment. 

Facilitating Security and Trust among Multiple Parties through Blockchain Techniques
June 27th
2:30 PM (2 hours)
Building Q
San Diego, CA
Admission fee may apply

*Hybrid event but in-person attendance encouraged - opportunity to meet and greet the distinguished lecturer as well as local IEEE ExCom members!  

With the prosperity of edge computing, massive users and devices at the network edge are more actively involved in the networks, pushing the information collection, computation, storage, and communications more towards end users. In these more decentralized systems, how to enable efficient and trustworthy interactions among different parties becomes an essential issue. 

Blockchain has been considered as a promising approach to facilitate the establishment of decentralized trustworthy computing systems with non-repudiated information records. For example, Bitcoin has attracted wide attention as a secure and decentralized platform to enable peer-to-peer exchanges of digital currency. Ethereum then generalizes blockchain as a state machine and enables smart contracts, a piece of code that can support complex logic and be self-executed when certain conditions are met. Such generalization enables blockchain to potentially serve as a computing infrastructure and opens new opportunities for blockchain to facilitate secure and decentralized interactions among any parties without making high trust assumptions about them.

In this talk, we will discuss some key characteristics of blockchain and a few promising applications of blockchain that can facilitate security and trust among multiple parties. Some examples include designing a secure and efficient multi-signature scheme to facilitate multi-party approval process on Fabric, an enterprise blockchain platform; applying blockchain to secure software updates for resource-constrained IoT networks; and to facilitate fair trading in transactive energy market.

From Rocks to Chips: What the History of the Transistor Says About the Future
June 27th
10:00 AM (1.5 hours)

The discovery, then invention, of the transistor sits almost exactly midway between Ferdinand Braun’s discovery of solid-state rectification in 1874 and the modern era of gigascale ICs. As with other epoch-shattering inventions, the story of the transistor isn’t quite as neatly linear as some recountings might suggest. Very few EEs have ever heard of Mervin Kelly, although we all owe our jobs to him. This talk will try to right that wrong, as well as answer questions such as, “What really led Bob Noyce to create the planar integrated circuit?” Retracing some of the steps of the pioneers generates important insights into the nature of innovation, and teaches us valuable lessons about the critical role of a very few visionaries and how “the will to think” can allow luck to prevail. As the 75th (+ epsilon) anniversary of the transistor dovetails with the end of lithographic scaling, we find ourselves on the threshold of a major technological discontinuity. Studying the story of previous ones just might provide us with our best guide to the next.

72 meetings. Generated Saturday, July 27 2024, at 2:41:09 AM. All times America/Los_Angeles