ExCom Minutes


  1. 6:00 - PIZZA and Social

  2. 6:30 - Chair's Report (Diwakar Agarwal, on behalf of Tugrul Daim)

    1. TEMS Workshop Series to be repeated this year, starting in Fall. The section should charge for this events to avoid no-shows.

    2. ExCom members to use v-tools for events so that they make to the Section's communications emails.
  3. 6:40 - Treasurer's Report (Russ Mickiewicz)

    1. Section finance looking good, will send the report later.

  4. 6:50 - Secretary's Report (Paulo Vasconcelos)

    1. Registration available for Summer Social. Call out to register, the time is now! Dan needs that information for the catering company in the next three (3) weeks. Nascar car will be available to attendees. There is a place for kids to play.

    2. Volunteers opportunities for the PES General Meeting. 75% of spots still need to be filled. The event brings professionals from all over the world, around 2000 attendees registered. Let us step in and help our fellow society. No need to be an IEEE member to volunteer.

    3. RAS Report: 

      1. The June 5 meeting about “Person Tracking With Depth Cameras” by Dave Shinsel, a retired Intel RealSense manager, was attended by 17 people. It was a good meeting.
      2. The June 16 and 17 OMSI Robot Weekend had reasonable attendance. The older kids and adults were interested. However, the bulk of the people that stopped by were on the young side. Ed's presentation focus was “Leveraging Lidar for Mapping and Navigation.” He gave a 30-minute demo/presentation Saturday and Sunday which attracted roughly 30 people total. They went well.
      3. RAS Chapter is off for July and August.
    4. Paulo received a request from IEEE USA to promote the Stopfakes Roadway that is coming to Portland on July 26th. The International Trade Administration, a federal agency that helps companies export, is holding that event that "delivers information about intellectual property with an emphasis on what small- and medium-sized businesses, minority-owned businesses, and new exporters need to know." Flyer and agenda below.

    5. Back in February, at the OpCom, IEEE launched the Center for Leadership Excellence (CLE), an on-demand and self-paced training portal with opportunities for all volunteers. Training is open to all officers independent of position, great opportunity to learn about different positions and their commitments. This initiative is a response from IEEE for the feedback about lack of training for new officers. Besides the virtual training, shadowing is also used to provide hands-on training.

    6. Another opportunity for training is the Volunteer Leadership Training Program (VoLT). It develops future IEEE leaders and targets active volunteer who seeks an in-depth knowledge about IEEE organization, its structure, and resources available to them. Track 1 deadline was Jun 22nd, Track 2 starts around September and lasts three months. It consists of live weekly webinars on leadership related topics. During Track 2 participants work on a project assignment. 

  5. 7:00 - Tonight's Focus 

    1. Affinity Group: Young Professionals Chair nomination (Jian Guo) and plans to run (see his presentation attached below).

    2. Society Chapter: None

  6. 8:00 Section Updates (Max 5 minutes per section)

    1. COMM Society had a Distinguished Lecturer event at Tektronix which was a great success. Half of the audience was IEEE members and 2 of them from the Communications Society and Tek employees.
    2. PES giving a presentation in the summer highlighting Tuesday, August 28th.
    3. PSU SB hosted a PSU End of Year BBQ in conjunction with other student groups attended by 40/50 people. They also received a bundle of laptops and desktops donated for the PDX ECE community to use. $500 worth of equipment made by Free Geek.
    4. OSU SB has 25 consistent members but in the summer it does down. Current projects develop computer packaging thermal management systems using CO2 and liquid nitrogen coolers. OSU also spearheading competition for heat sinks devices. 
    5. IAS Report (emailed to Paulo after the meeting): The Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting will again be in Portland September 23-27, 2018 at the Oregon Convention Center. This the second time in just three years that the IAS Annual Meeting has been held in Portland. This is due to their successful meeting in 2016 and the influence of former IAS President David Durocher of Portland. This year they will be collocated with the Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition. For more information, click the link above.
      Their next IAS chapter meeting is tentatively scheduled for September 17, 2018, at the offices of Brown and Caldwell, 6500 S Macadam Avenue in Portland. They'll get an announcement up on vTools as soon as everything gets fired up.
  7. Future Focus

    1. Aug: No meeting. Summer Social, see everybody there!

    2. Sep: WSU Student Branch (Schubert Yu) and PSU PSAS/RAS SB Chapter (Eric Ruhl)

    3. Oct: TBD

Attendees:  Diwakar Agarwal (Vice-Chair), Paulo Vasconcelos (Secretary), Russell D Mickiewicz (Treasurer), John Prohodsky (Past Chair), Rick A Smith (PACE Chair), Daniel Goodrich (PES Chair), Branimir Pejcinovic (E25), Pradeep Kumar (Robert Rutherford (PSU SB Past Chair), Kirk Jungles (PSU SB Chair), Stephen Johnston (PSU SB Treasurer), Eric Ruhl (AESS SB Chapter Chair), Jian Guo (YP Chair), Souma Badombena, Vishvas Chalishazar, Brian Choi, Michael Bates.

WebEx Attendees: Rachel McAfee (STB01451), Jim Cook (IA34), Ken Mays (ED15/MTT17), Pradeep Kumar (COM19/UFFC20/PHO36).


Important Dates 

  • Summer Social - Sat Aug 11th
  • PES General Meeting - Aug 5th 

Action Items 

  • Rick Smith to create a slide deck for Summer Social (bring the laptop to the event).
  • Dan to send email to Diwarkar, Rick Smith, and Paulo to promote the PES General Meeting at our companies.
  • Paulo to forward that email to Jay Guo (LAM Research), Kirk Jungles (PSU students) and send to the student body.
  • Kirk Jungles to send PES meeting and Summer Social reminders to the greater PSU IEEE student membership.
  • Vishvas Chalishazar to send PES meeting and Summer Social reminders to the greater OSU PES student membership.



  1. 6:00 - PIZZA and Social 
  2. 6:30 - Chair's Report (Paulo Vasconcelos, on behalf of Tugrul Daim)
  3. 6:40 - Treasurer's Report (Russ Mickiewicz) 
  4. 6:50 - Secretary's Report (Paulo Vasconcelos) 
  5. 7:00 - IEEE OU Analytics Overview (Ed Perkins)
    1. Training PowerPoint
    2. OU Analytics Access (remember you need to hold a volunteer position to have access)
  6. 7:30 - Tonight's Focus 
    1. PSU Student Branch (Robert Rutherford/Kirk Jingles) and WSU Student Branch (Schubert Yu)
    2. Robotics and Automation Society - RAS (Ed App)
  7. 8:00 Section Updates (Max 5 minutes per section)
  8. Future Focus

    Jul: Summer Social
    Ago: WSU Student Branch (Schubert Yu)
    Sep: PSU PSAS/RAS SB Chapter (Eric Ruhl)

Attendees:  Paulo Vasconcelos (Secretary), Russell D Mickiewicz (Treasurer), Edward G Perkins, Daniel Engel (Webmaster), Ed C. Epp (RAS Chair), Robert Rutherford (PSU SB Past Chair), Kirk Jingles (PSU SB Chair), Eric Ruhl, Yao-Feng Chang, Jerome Murray, Michael Mahon, En Andideh, Tom HindMarsh, Kaleb Spencer, Daren Slee, Jay Guo, Haneef Mubarak.

WebEx Attendees: Rick A Smith (PACE Chair), Sohrab Aftabjahani (CES Chair), Ankit Singh, Schubert Yu.


  • Jerome Murray spoke about the "Future Engineers Day", an opportunity that about 300 students from high schools have to get introduced to the engineering field. A half day students tour going engineering facilities and/or companies such as Garmin and PGE. On the other half, students engage with representatives from engineering colleges. Mostly sponsored by ASCE, their committee is looking for new partnership and will ask support from IEEE Oregon Section ($500 or $1000) later in the year. Their committee will have the first meeting in October when the topic will be brought for discussion and support approval.
  • Ed Perkins suggested used the series as a professional development opportunity like a PACE kind of activity. Maybe get a match from PACE for the money that the Section is investing.

Important Dates 

  • PES General Meeting - Aug 5th
  • Summer Social - Sat Aug 11th 

Action Items 

  • Paulo to connect Jerome Murray with John Vinson regarding Pre-College Committee.
  • Paulo to connect with Jay Guo regarding volunteer opportunities at the Section.


  • TEMS Workshop Series was a successful effort that should be repeated next year. Maybe including some Case Studies to the Series and evaluate if the Section should charge or not IEEE members. 
  •  Summer Social on August 11th
  • PES General Meeting in Portland on August 5th (international level event)


  1. 6:00 - PIZZA and Social 
  2. 6:30 - Chair's Report (Tugrul Daim) 
  3. 6:40 - Treasurer's Report (Russ Mickiewicz) 
  4. 6:50 - Secretary's Report (Paulo Vasconcelos) 
    1. Summer Social Catering 
      1. Slick’s BBQ 
      2. Elephant’s Deli 
      3. Alcohol or not
  5. 7:00 - GDPR and its effect on Section (Ed Perkins) 
  6. 7:30 - Tonight's Focus 
    1. University of Portland (Josh Thompson) 
    2. EPS/CAS (Ed Perkins) 
  7. 8:00 Section Updates (Max 5 minutes per section)

Attendees:  Tugrul Daim - Chair, Paulo Vasconcelos - Secretary, Russell D Mickiewicz - Treasurer, John Prohodsky - Past Chair, Edward G Perkins, Rick A Smith - PACE Chair, Ken W. Mays -  ED/MTT Chapter Chair, Sohrab Aftabjahani - CES Chair, Ed C. Epp - RAS Chair, Daniel Goodrich - PES Chair, Heidi Degarmo - SAC Future Chair, Robert Rutherford - PSU SB Past Chair, Kirk Jingles - PSU SB Chair, Joshua Thompson - UP SB Past Chair, Michael Bates, Jerry Morris, Charles Moore, Manu Shamsa, Warren Foster

Important Dates 

  • Section Professional Workshop Series - Sat, May 19th 
  • Future Leaders - Thu, Jul 26th to Sat, Jul 28th 
  • Summer Social - Sat, Aug 11th 
  • PES General Meeting - Sun, Aug 5th to Sat, Aug 10th 
  • SusTECH - Sun, Nov 11th


  • OSU EPICS grant awards check sent. 
  • WSU check will be mailed today. 
  • Paulo was recognized for his services as the new Secretary. 
  • A quantity of 10 $10 gift certificates and quantity of 5 $20 awards for high school for the Intel Science Fair. 
  • Roster updates for Chapters/Societies started.


  • Summer Social 
    • Location: World of Speed - Wilsonville. 
    • Deposit: $570 
    • Admission $20 individual/student, $40 family 
    • Caterer: Slick's BBQ and alcohol approved 




  1. 6:00 PIZZA and Social 
  2. 6:30 Section Events 
  3. 6:40 Treasurer's Report 
  4. 6:50 Roster Updates 
  5. 7:00 Tonight's Focus 
    1. Power and Energy Society (PES) 
    2. Oregon Tech 
  6. 8:00 Section Updates (Max 5 minutes per section) 
  7. Future 
    1. May - EPS/CAS (Ed Perkins) and UP (Joshua Thompson) 
    2. Jun - RAS (Ed App), PSU (Robert Rutherford) and WSU (Schubert Yu) 
    3. July - TBD 

Attendees:  Tugrul Daim - Chair, Diwakar Agarwal - Vice Chair, Paulo Vasconcelos - Secretary, Russell D Mickiewicz - Treasurer, John Prohodsky - Past Chair, Daniel Engel - Webmaster, Edward G Perkins, Rick A Smith - PACE Chair, Sohrab Aftabjahani - CES Chair, 
Daniel Goodrich - PES Chair, Robert Rutherford - PSU SB Chair, Eric Ruhl - PSU AESS SBC Chair, Joshua Chandler - OIT Portland SB Chair, Peter Tucker - OIT Portland Vice Chair, Thomas Bridges - OIT Portland SB Secretary, Justin Laughlin - OIT Portland SB Treasurer, Aziz Inan - UP SB Counselor, Joshua Thompson - UP SB Chair, Eve Klopf - OIT KFalls Counselor, Schubert Yu - WSU SB Chair, Ankit Singh - WSU SB Vice Chair, Kevin Roberti - WSU SB Treasurer 

Important Dates 

  • Summer Social - Sat Aug 11th 
  • Intel NWSE Science Fair - Fri, Apr 13th at Peter Stott Center
    • $150 approved for prizes (4 categories and best prize $25) 
  • Sustech - Nov 11th 
  • PES General Meeting - Aug 5th 

Action Items 

  • Dan Goodrich to setup Summer Social event in v-tools 
  • Russ to check the reason PES concentration account is negative 
  • Russ to check status of OSU EPICS award 
  • General groups to update their roster 
  • Paulo to update ExCom roster 
  • Paulo to promote PES General Meeting to students 
  • Rick Smith to promote Summer Social and PES General Meeting at Intel


  • Missing YP and WIE Chair. 
  • PSU AES SBC - Rocket launch postponed to Sun, April 22nd. PSU insurance did not cover rockets and missiles. 


  • Summer Social
    • Up to 300 people
    • Location: World of Speed - Wilsonville. Dan needs $570 deposit.
    • Admissions: $20 individual/student, $40 family 
  • PES General Meeting 
    • Looking for volunteers