ExCom Minutes

Minutes by Daniel Goodrich, Secretary

6:30   Welcome and Introductions

6:33   Last meeting action items:

                    Find a permanent Chair and Vice-Chair volunteer—None yet  Action:  Recruit!

                    Dan G. to reserve Summer Social event for August 7th.  Complete.

                    Is there a 2021 budget?  John P. to contact Lee O.—Not one yet; the 2020 financials have been sent and accepted.  Lee needs major expenditures, donations so that he can develop the budget.  Action:  Send information to Lee.

                    Future focus presentation.  Ed Epp offered to give a 15 minute report in April.  Action:  All attendees to suggest names.  Lee offered to find a speaker, possibly in March or May (45 minutes).  John P. will contact another section like Seattle to help with a focus presentation.

6:35   Chair’s report (John P)

                    How is the Section perceived by its members, and what are the needs of the members?  Perhaps conduct a survey; how will it be executed?  E-mails haven’t worked in the past. 

                              Action:  John P will contact IEEE staff about assistance with the survey, and then form a committee of 4 or 5 folks to move forward.


6:45   Vice-Chair's Report (Justin W).  Justin is not present.

6:50   Treasurer's Report (Lee O.).  Bank account is very strong, about $114,085 in the account.  Typically our budget is about $30k. Next month he will start sending out their 2021 allotment, $250 per chapter, $500 for joint accounts.  Action:  The $590 allocation from PES for high performing chapter will be transferred to the PES account. 

6:50   Secretary's Report and Social/Awards (Daniel G.)

                    Need to coordinate with Lee to mail out plaques from Awards ceremony in December

                    INCOSE e-mail  Action:  Promote it on vTools.

                    Plaque commemorating first high tension power line in Oregon City—Dan to chair committee for IEEE Milestone.  Ed Perkins will assist.  Ugonna will also join us.

                    Any needs for Webex meeting reservations?  Action:  Add a reminder e-mail to the series, as well as an updated agenda.

                    New photo, update info on other parts of the web site  Action:  Dan G to Provide information to Daniel E., and he can update.

                    Action:  Dan G. to get web site passwords from Daniel E. and store them, as well as the GoDaddy account.

7:00   Region Meeting Update (Ed Perkins):  Student memberships are half off for 2021, see https://ieee-region6.org/2021/student-membership-discount/ .  Congressional visits day will be virtual this year on March 29th; usually you have to travel to Washington DC.

7:05   Chapter Updates (Max 5 minutes per chapter)

          Communications (Russ)  2/25 5pm seminar

          Solid State Circuits (Richard D):  They are working on career-oriented events and a distinguished lecturer

          Sohrab—He is the only remaining officer for his chapter, but he is working on recruiting others.

          PES—David Silver, next meeting February 16th.  All offices are filled.  Scholarship to be awarded this year.

          Jinsub Kim—Have not met yet.  Some events are being planned.

          Souma—Young Professionals (with Jay), nothing formally planned yet for this year.

          Robotics—(Ed Epp), Seminar 2/10 at lunch time, “open bot” open source robot.  Robot workshops for high school students, using GitHub.  Around 165 views on the youtube that Ed created.  There was also a virtual interactive event with a teacher and students in Hood River. 

Ed Epp asked:  Are there ways of creating a forum/message board that don’t cost a high monthly fee?  Per Daniel Engel, we could host at the section level, but we would need a moderator.  Slack is another idea.  Action:  Ed will discuss further with Russ and Daniel E.

          Student Activities—(Ugonna)  He sent out an e-mail to students, waiting on a response.  None of the local student branches list officers in vTools.  Action:  Provide contact info to Dan G.

          Nanotech:  Ed Perkins.  Met January 28th, Distinguished lecturer Kingzang from Singapore.  The EPS chapter met January 21st, Flexible Hybrid Electronics, and on Feb 25th there will be another Distinguished lecturer from Singapore on quantum computing.

          Rick Smith: Not much to update.

         WIE (Eve Klopf by e-mail):  We had one book club meeting. Heidi and I also met with the book club organizers for the Women Who Code; we're planning on joining forces with them and co-hosting a single book club going forward. I'll be sending out an announcement to the folks on our book club e-mail list about the change.




7:30   Tonight's Focus (Do we have one?  Future focus?)  None tonight.

7:35   New Business/Final Issues

          Update Roster (See John’s Excel Sheet)  Action:  John P will get the e-mail addresses.

          Sohrab asked how to get allocated funds into the concentration account.  He is the Chair, but cannot find a Treasurer, and he cannot be both.  Action:  Sohrab can either find a Treasurer and set up a concentration account, or track the funds himself to be sure the funds don’t get lost year to year.   Rick Smith offered to help with a tracking sheet.

          Go over action items

7:40   Adjourn  Adjourned at 8:10pm.


Attendees:  John Prohodsky, Diwakar, David Silver, Jinsub Kim, Lee Oien, Richard Dorrance, Ed Epp, Russ Mickiewicz, Daniel Engel, Rick Smith, Sohrab Aftabjahani, Ugonna Chikezie, Souma, Ed Perkins, Daniel Goodrich

IEEE Oregon Section ExCom Meeting Minutes

January 12, 2021

6:30 Introductions and Adoption of Agenda Approved
6:33 Approval of previous minutes
6:35 Reports: 

Election Committee Report—John Prohodsky. Lee has offered to continue to serve as
Treasurer. Daniel Goodrich self-nominated for the Secretary role. John P. and Ed P. offered
to serve temporarily in a role. Justin W. will remain as Vice-Chair until we find a replacement.
Daniel and Lee were nominated and elected at this meeting. John Prohodsky was nominated
and elected (temporarily) as the Chair of the Section. We will meet the first week of February
as officers, prior to the next ExCom.
Action: Everyone think of someone who might be willing to permanently serve as Chair and

Secretary Report—Daniel Goodrich (also will give Summer Social Report). We paid about
$800 deposit last year. The consensus was to see a Gherkins game Saturday, August 7 th at
7pm. Daniel G will contact them and reserve that date.

Treasurer Report (Lee Oien) $113k in bank account. Action: Has a budget for 2021 been
approved? John P. will contact Lee.

SAC Report (Ugonna Chikezie)  Ugonna will be using some funds for the Rising Stars conference.

 WIE (Eve Klopf) Origins: Fourteen Billion Years of Cosmic Evolution by Neil Degrasse
Tyson will be the next book for discussion. February 4 th at 6:00pm.

Conference Chair, Nanotechnology (Ed Perkins)

1. SUSTEC is April 22-24, (hosted by Orange County CA).
2. The Regional Meeting (?).
3. The APS meeting will be January 21 st at 6pm on Flexible Hybrid Electronics. For
the Webex, contact the Secretary.

 RAS Volunteer (Ed Epp):

1. We are sponsoring a robot build (open source)

Signal Processing (Jinsub Kim)
COMSOC (Pradeep)

1. Pradeep showed the ComSoc web site, newly updated using WordPress at
2. There are also Linkedin and Facebook groups as well.

Webmaster: Daniel Engel
PACE Chair (Rick Smith)

Computer Society (Sohrab Aftabjahani): Pradeep assisted with election of officers.

7:00 Discussion Items: Ed Epp: Volunteer student work, is it an employment or contractual
relationship? Liability issue? Can Ed give him a “start date”? Per Lee, we do not certify volunteer
hours at the Section level. No action from the Section at this time.

7:20 New Business Report Intel volunteer hours—they are due February 14 th .


7:30 Future Focus Action: Everyone think of someone that can present at the next ExCom.
7:44 Next Meeting February 9 th , 2021

7:45 Adjournment Adjourned at 7:50pm

Attendees: Ed Epp, Ed Perkins, Daniel Goodrich, Eve Klopf, Lee Oien,
Russ Mickiewicz, Pradeep Kumar, David Silver, Sohrab Aftabjahani,
Jinsub Kim, Rick Smith, Daniel Engel


Notes by Daniel Goodrich, Secretary


6:00 – Refreshments and Social (Virtual during COVID-19)

6:30 – Adoption of Agenda

6:35 – Approval of previous minutes

6:40 – Reports: 

    • Chair's Report (Paulo Vasconcelos) - Oregon Section meeting its retention goals for the 2020 membership year
    • Treasurer's Report (Lee Oien) - Travel advisory/Concur travel reimbursement application
    • Secretary Report (Heidi DeGarmo) - All Attendance Reports are filed
    • YoPro (Jay Guo) / SAC Report (Ugonna Chikezie) / WIE (Eve Klopf

7:25 – Action Items: Elections Committee

7:35 – Discussion Items: Volunteering Platform 3 benefits: Propel career as a technical expert, great platform for volunteers who do not regularly come to meetings, great way to recruit reliable volunteers as they are reviewed by peers on the website

7:45 – Tonight's Focus: Student Chapter PSU Alex Higgins Presenting

8:00 – Old Business / New Business

8:20 – Future Focus: Daniel Goodrich - Winter Social and Awards

8:30 – Adjournment


Attendees (WebEx):  Paulo Vasconcelos (Chair), Justin Wagner (Vice-Chair), Lee Oien (Treasurer), Heidi DeGarmo (Secretary), Rick Smith (PACE Chair), Daniel Goodrich (Awards and Events Coordinator), Ed Epp (RAS Chair), Ed Perkins (Nanotechnology Council), Sohrab Aftabjahani (CS Chair), Michael Bates (CS Vice-Chair), Jian Guo (YP Chair), Ugonna Chikezie (SAC Chair), Alex Higgins (PSU SB Chair), John Prohodsky, Richard Dorrance, Russ Mickiewicz, Diwakar Agarwal, Alex K, Brano, Hader

Download this file (Attendance.png)Attendance.png31 kB


6:00 – Refreshments and Social (Virtual during COVID-19)

6:30 – Adoption of Agenda

6:37 – Approval of previous minutes

6:40 –  Introduction and Roll Call

6:45 Announcement - IEEE Fellow and Guest Speaker for Computer Society Thursday from 7 to 8 pm

6:40 – Reports:

Chair's Report (Paulo Vasconcelos) -

Congratulations to the newly elevated IEEE Oregon Senior Members: Eric Hall, Ivan Simoes Gaspar and Vikram Suresh

Open positions in ExCom: Membership Development, SAC Chair, Section Student Representative 

Core Skills Training: Remote Conference Options, Webex Training, Concur Training, Welcoming New Members

YTD Count of Activities for Affinity Groups and Chapters, minimum requirements already met

YTD Count of Events Student Chapters, OIT Klamath Falls 8 Events, very strong presence

 Treasurer's Report (Lee Oien) -

no pending checks 

awaiting IEEE annual payment

 Secretary Report (Heidi DeGarmo) - 

no missing attendance reports

YoPro (Jay Guo) / SAC Report (Matt Harrison) / WIE (Eve Klopf) 

7:25 – Action Items: Appoint Elections Committee - Ed Perkins appoints as Committee Chair

7:35 – Discussion Items: Ideas For Summer Social

7:45 – Tonight's Focus (Information Items): SSCS Chapter Focus Presentation

8:00 – Old Business / New Business

8:20 – Future Focus (next 3 months)

Jul:  Virtual Social

Aug: No meeting

 8:30 – Adjournment


Attendees (WebEx):  Paulo Vasconcelos (Chair), Justin Wagner (Vice-Chair), Lee Oien (Treasurer), Heidi DeGarmo (Secretary), Rick Smith (PACE Chair), Daniel Goodrich (Awards and Events Coordinator), Ed Epp (RAS Chair), Ed Perkins (Nanotechnology Council), Sohrab Aftabjahani (CS Chair), Eve Klopf (WIE Chair), Farhana (SSCS Chair), Jian Guo (YP Chair), Matt Harrison (SAC Chair), Xiaosen Lu, and Alex Higgins (PSU SB Chair).


  • 6:00 – Refreshments and Social (Virtual during COVID-19)

  • 6:30 – Adoption of Agenda

    • Meeting started at 6:40
    • Round of introductions of name and title of attendees 
  • 6:35 – Approval of previous minutes

    • Motion made to approve March and April minutes
  • 6:40 – Reports:

    • Chair's Report (Paulo Vasconcelos)
      • Upcoming Conferences: Reach out and offer support, PES Chapter has already reached out to Transactive Energy Conference to be held in Portland December, 2020
      • Best practice for events in vTools
      • Summer Social - Canceled, IEEE supporting the local economy by keeping deposit in place for 2021 Summer Social
      • Explore the idea of a Virtual Summer Social, ExCom asking for input on ideas, limit to 100 in attendance for sake of time but Webex can support up to 1000 for live streaming
      • 2020 Section Support Disbursement- $250 for Chapters and $500 for Joint Chapters
      • 2019 Intel Volunteer Hours - Total 891 Hours = $8910
    • Treasurer's Report (Lee Oien)
      • Balance is currently $86,000 in the account
      • No outstanding bills or pending checks
      • Approves keeping $850 deposit in place for Summer Social 2021
    • Secretary Report (Heidi DeGarmo)
      • No missing attendance reports 
    • YoPro (Jay Guo) / SAC Report (Matt Harrison) / WIE (Eve Klopf)
      • YP PNW Leadership Summit July 17th in Portland Pending (May be canceled)
      • YP Events postponed until after stay at home order lifted
  • 7:25 – Action Items: Submit Timely Requests to Treasurer

    • Submit expense reimbursements with receipts, not waiting until the end of year
  • 7:35 – Tonight's Focus (Information Items)

    • Daniel Goodrich - PES Chapter creates 43% of all IEEE standards, official mission leading provider of scientific and engineering information on electric power and energy for the betterment of society, and the preferred professional development source for members. Represents the three major utility companies, PAC, PGE and BPA. Nine guest speakers a year. Meetings are every third Tuesday of the month. Recent field trip to Merwin Dam. PES summer meeting canceled. 

    • Joshua Cosby -  Klamath Student Branch has increased membership three times what it was previous year. The new project is a brain machine interface, student version of Elon Musk's neural link. Students are interested in doing projects, one they do outreach taking robots out to the high school sparking an interest in engineering and IEEE. Joshua is graduating, Matt Volpe continuing on in the Fall. This year started off strong with Rising Stars Conference. Student study group for engineering exam going strong with professor support. 

  • 7:50 – Old Business: 

    • Ed Perkins - Sustech Conference April 24-25, 2020, virtual on zoom, free student poster contest - 9 presented with 60 attendees on Thursday, 24 papers presented with 85 attendees on Friday, 68 attendees on Saturday. Awaiting refund from the hotel to reimburse seed money. 2021 will be held in Los Angeles and 2022 to be held in Portland. 
  • 8:00 – New Business: 
    • Jim Morris - Education Chapter to hold 2 events this year to stay active. Nanotechnology Council currently holding elections.  NTC Distinguished Lecture officially moved to online event. EPS/CASS Chapter have 4 events for the year currently on hold bc they all involve travel. 
  • 8:10 Discussion Item: Webex Tips - Training Topic (presentation attached)
  • 8:20 – Future Focus:

    June: TBD Jul: No meeting Aug: No Meeting
  • 8:30 – Adjournment

Attendees (WebEx):  Paulo Vasconcelos (Chair), Justin Wagner (Vice-Chair), Lee Oien (Treasurer), Heidi DeGarmo (Secretary), Rick Smith (PACE Chair), Daniel Engel (Webmaster), Daniel Goodrich (Awards and Events Coordinator), Ed Epp (RAS Chair), Ed Perkins (Nanotechnology Council), Pradeep Kumar (Comm Society Chair), Sohrab Aftabjahani (CS Chair), Eve Klopf (WIE Chair), Terry Lang (OrCNet Chair), Richard Dorrance (SSCS Vice Chair), Alex Higgins (PSU SB Chair), Rachel McAfee (OSU SB Chair), Joshua Cosby (OIT SB Chair), Dhawal Moghe, Jim Morris, Ken Hillen, Loren Lang, Matt Volpe, Partho Chakraborti, Souma Badombena.