6:15     Secretary starts meeting and notes attendees

6:30     Chair calls the meeting to order at 6:35pm

6:35     Approval of Past Minutes and status of previous action items

            Adoption of Agenda

6:40     Chair’s Report:  Elections status—John sent out the e-mail, will re-send.  Nominations came in for Chair and Treasurer

6:45     Vice-Chair’s Report:  Not present

6:50     Treasurer’s Report: Balance:  $159,415.  From SUSTECH 2022 we received $1,749 as part of the surplus. Ideally we’d have a budget approved in November for 2023.

6:55     Secretary’s Report: Summer Social was a success; 25 people attended the Portland Pickles Game.  Awards ceremony?  ACTION:  Dan to schedule.  Do it in early December, maybe start at 6:30pm, maybe the 13th.  Maybe do it as a less formal than a sit down, at a brewpub.  Perhaps do a Saturday, but maybe on the 3rd or the 10th earlier in the day, like 4pm.  Chapter Chairs meeting (typically in February)?

7:00     Chapter Reports (5 minutes Each)

        WIE:  Not present

        Solid State Circuits: Richard Dorrance:  Social tomorrow, lecturer this Friday.  They are on vTools.  Another speaker scheduled in October.

Signal Processing Society: 

        Nanotech:  Ed Perkins: 

Professional Activities: 

        Computer Society: Sohrab:  Had a presentation last month on hardware security.  Next meeting in October.

        PES:  Not present.

        RAS: Ed Epp: Working with adults with ROSS(?) kits.  Working with Thomas Coughlin

        Ed also gave an update on SUSTECH 2023:  There are monthly SUSTalks post-conference.  They need local volunteers.


Student Activities: 

Webmaster: Daniel Engel:  Web site is stable.

7:50     New Business:  ACTION:  John to provide Dan with info on how to set up an IEEE hosted dropbox file storage.  See screenshot below.

7:55     Reading of Action Items 

7:58     Next Meeting October 11th In person only. ACTION:  John will make a reservation at a local restaurant before September 19th.  Chapter Chairs (or their designee) and EXCOMM members.

Items to discuss at the meeting (John will be the moderator):

  • Possibly formulate a vision
  • Issues with the same officers for years in a given chapter—we need “fresh blood”
  • Finding local speakers to speak at chapter meetings
  • Help with specific challenges from chapters
  • Perhaps find a way to reward the seasoned volunteers—training and development maybe?
  • What can be accomplished in the short term? Longer term?

8:00     Adjourn: Adjourned at 7:57pm