Action Items:


  1. SUSTECH; last in Portland in 2014. We should bring it back to Portland, perhaps in 2023.  Action:   Ed Perkins will send an e-mail with a list of what resources will be needed.  org.
  2. Dan G. to sent IEEE Survey info to John P. that was discussed at the Sections Congress. The e-mail address is shown at Complete
  3. INCOSE (Herb Milligor at PSU) e-mail Action:  Promote it on vTools.  Was someone supposed to supply info to the Secretary?  John will pursue.  John sent an e-mail out and will follow up.
  4. Dan G. to work with Daniel E. and exchange critical site passwords. Dan G. sent e-mail.
  5. John P: To summarize ways to increase attendance and engagement at ExComm meeting and send out an e-mail.

6:15     Secretary starts meeting and notes attendees

6:30     Chair calls the meeting to order

6:35     Approval of Past Minutes and status of previous action items

            Adoption of Agenda

6:40     Chair’s Report  IEEE Sections Congress was last weekend.  John and Dan G. attended.  John will make more contacts.  Big emphasis on pre-college STEM activities.  John will report back and we want to try doing something in September.  Go to to see the videos.

6:45     Vice-Chair’s Report  Nothing new to report.

6:50     Treasurer’s Report; IEEE NextGen Finance: Upcoming Changes in NetSuite and CBRS  Do a search on “NextGen Accounting” on the IEEE site to learn how to update your Chapter’s financial transactions.  This does not impact Concur.

6:55     Secretary’s Report; did everyone get the invite on April 8th or 9th?  IEEE Sections Congress

7:00     Chapter Reports (5 minutes Each)

            WIE/Eve:  Recently joined with the Women in Code book club, next meeting May 11th, 6-8.  “Working in Public:  The making and maintenance…”  They will meet every other month.

            Solid State Circuits Society/Farhana:  Tech talks scheduled, April 28 4:30pm, Intel; June 24th is also confirmed.

            Signal Processing Society/Jinsub:  Two meetings in April.  Next meeting April 23rd.

            Nanotech/Ed Perkins:  No meetings scheduled, but they will be soon.  Webinar on Air Quality; see the Nanotechnology council site. .  CPMT has had a few meetings.

                        SUSTECH starts next week, 95 attendees signed up.  Members can attend for $75.  NWSE is looking for general judges; Regeneron is the new sponsor of the International Science Fair (it was Intel).

Professional Activities/Rick Smith:  Might help with pre-college project; will work with John P.

            Computer Society/Sohrab:  Is arranging a webinar on supply chain, professor from U of Florida, April 29th or a few weeks later.


7:35     Focus Presentation:  Ed Epp presented on activities by the Robotics and Automation Society.


7:50     New Business

            MOU for a conference PICMET at Doubletree.  We will decide whether to approve next month.

            From IEEE Sections Congress:  There are funds available to for COVID-related products.  John will pursue further.

            John:  We should revive our Newsletter.  Ed P:  What is our outreach?  Where will we get content?  Santa Clara Valley has one.  Ed P and John might pursue this further.

            Ed:  SUSTECH; last in Portland in 2014.  We should bring it back to Portland, perhaps in 2023.  Action:   Ed will send an e-mail with a list of what resources will be needed.

7:55     Reading of Action Items 

7:58     Next Meeting May 11th

8:00     Adjourn  Adjourned at 8:33pm